How pedestrians and drivers can be safe during Halloween
May 30, 2015On behalf of Terence Gross of Gross & Schuster, P.A. posted in Car Accidents on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
Tomorrow is expected to be a grand evening for kids as they dress up as their favorite characters and stroll neighborhoods in search of candy. With all the fun that comes with Halloween, it is an especially dangerous time for pedestrians, especially children. According to a report, Allstate Insurance reports that the number of pedestrians hit by drivers is 23 percent higher during the week of October 31 compared to the prior week. The insurer’s findings come through an analysis of insurance claims involving pedestrian-car accidents over the last five years.
Obviously, drivers in Florida have a duty to use reasonable care in looking out for (and avoiding) pedestrians, but the emphasis on Halloween is especially important because of the number of children on the road. Indeed, a great deal of foot traffic is on sidewalks, but accidents invariably occur when pedestrians try to cross streets at 2 and 4-way stops.
Because of this, there are a number of steps that pedestrians and drivers can take to avoid being in an accident.
Don’t text and walk – While this may not be a concern with younger children, it is important for parents and older children to avoid texting and walking. By putting down the phone, you can avoid that unwitting stroll into oncoming traffic.
Wear bright colors – Drivers are more likely to see (and avoid) costumes with bright colors. It is also helpful to have costumes with reflective strips and properties, as well as outfits with lights.
Don’t drink and drive – Appoint a designated driver, and make sure he or she is not drinking. It is not uncommon for designated drivers to put their passengers (and the public) in danger simply because they are less drunk than other people in the car.
Source:, “Florida pedestrian accidents jump 23 percent during Halloween “ October 29, 2012