Spinal Cord Injuries
Have you sustained a neck or back injury in a car or truck accident that caused trauma to your spinal cord? Do you feel radiating pain and numbness in your limbs? Are you partially or fully paralyzed? Have you been told that you may never regain the ability to do certain things or that you need long-term health care?
At Gross & Schuster, P.A., our Pensacola spinal cord injury lawyers help clients throughout the Florida Panhandle pursue full and fair compensation for spinal cord injuries and necessary ongoing treatment and health care.
Contact us today for a free consultation. You will pay no attorneys’ fees unless you recover damages.
Fighting For Your Rights When You Have Suffered A Spinal Cord Injury
Neck and back injuries sustained in a slip-and-fall, motor vehicle accident or other accident can cause serious damage to your spinal cord, including fracture or dislocation of your vertebrae.
Radiating pain and numbness and other problems are most often caused when pieces of the vertebrae tear into the cord tissue or press down on the nerve parts that carry signals to other parts of your body. The consequences of spinal cord injuries range from partial paralysis and loss of bodily functions to paraplegia and quadriplegia.
We Will Help You Understand Your Legal Options
We focus on you. In doing so, our firm’s attorneys get an accurate assessment of the damage to your spinal cord. We then pursue the damages needed to help you move forward, which may include ongoing treatment and long-term health care.
We have the medical and legal background necessary to understand MRI and CT scans, as well as the experience required to speak with your surgeon intelligently about your injuries and how they will affect your life.
Don’t hesitate to call us today at one of our offices: 850-434-3333 (Pensacola),850-244-7191 (Fort Walton Beach) or 850-682-3000 (Crestview).