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Pensacola Sexual Abuse Lawyer 

Sexual abuse is a horrifying experience to endure, but it does happen in Pensacola, Florida. Talk to a Pensacola sexual abuse attorney at Gross & Schuster, P.A. about how to get justice and financial compensation for the sexual abuse you suffered.

You were living in a nursing home when it happened—you were sexual abused by a nursing home worker. You would have fought back if you could have, but you didn’t have the physical strength. The worker threatened to hurt you if you told anyone, so at first you stayed silent. Finally, you found the courage to tell a family member.

Your family member was horrified to learn of the abuse you suffered in a Pensacola nursing home, but it was too late to prevent the abuse. They moved you from the home, and now you are looking for a way to hold your abuser accountable. You also want to hold the nursing home accountable for failing to protect you from sexual abuse

If your story sounds similar to the one above, you could be looking into working with a Pensacola sexual abuse lawyer for help filing a sexual abuse claim.

Why File a Pensacola Sexual Abuse Claim?

Many people who suffer sexual abuse in Pensacola wonder if they should bother filing a civil claim. They aren’t sure what the civil claim will accomplish. A successful claim could do many positive things for you.

  • First, it could bring you a sense of justice, knowing that the person who abused you will be held accountable for their actions. Hopefully, they are also being held criminally liable.
  • Second, your claim can also hold other parties accountable who weren’t directly responsible for the abuse but may have played a small role. For instance, if the abuse occurred at your workplace, you could hold your employer accountable for not creating a safe working environment.
  • Third, you could receive financial compensation for everything you went through.

Types of Damages You Might Have Suffered Due to Sexual Abuse in Pensacola, FL

Your sexual abuse lawyer in Pensacola could help you secure compensation for your suffering and losses. Here are some examples of losses you may be dealing with after being sexually abused.

Speak to a Pensacola Sexual Abuse Attorney

Sexual abuse is a traumatic experience, and you might be wondering if filing a civil claim will bring up the emotions you’ve worked hard to overcome. It could be retraumatizing to deal with a claim, but it will most likely be settled outside of court. You stand to gain a sense of closure and justice through a successful claim.

You can also secure financial compensation that could help you move forward with your life. Learn more about how a sex abuse claim could help you when you talk to a Pensacola sexual abuse lawyer during a free claim review Call Gross & Schuster, P.A. at 850-434-3333 or fill out the form below to reach us.

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Pensacola, FL

803 N Palafox St.
Pensacola, FL 32501
Phone: 850-434-3333

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