Legal Question: How can an insurance agency have your driver’s license suspended?
June 14, 2017Legal Question: How can an insurance agency have your driver’s license suspended? Last year in April, I got into a car accident and the other driver’s car was damaged. My insurance said they won’t pay for the damage of the car because I guess at the time of the accident my dad didn’t pay the insurance, but the car is under my dad’s name. Now they are saying they will have both of our licenses suspended if we don’t pay or have an agreement.
Terence’s Response: Actually and unfortunately, this is true. According to Florida’s Financial Responsibility Law a person’s license can be suspended indefinitely for any outstanding property damages arising from an auto accident. Both the driver and the owner would be jointly liable. Either the judgment would have to be paid in full or a payment plan agreed to by the parties. This is a very tough law and can not be ignored.
– Terence A. Gross