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Insurance Claim Process for Car Accidents

Insurance claims can be confusing to file at the best of times, but you must be aware of what your policy does and doesn’t cover to succeed in your claim. If you’ve been involved in a car accident and wish to file an insurance claim to cover any damages incurred, understanding the process before you and the level of cover your policy entitles you to should be your first priority.

With that in mind, we’ve prepared a quick primer on the insurance claim process for car accidents to get you started on the right track. If you need help with your claim and want to seek maximum compensation, talk to a Pensacola car accident lawyer.

What Does My Car Insurance Cover?

As you’re likely already aware, Florida requires drivers to have an auto indemnity plan and suitable vehicle registration before using the State’s roadways. Your policy must cover the State’s minimum required levels of personal injury protection and property damage, with failure to do so potentially invalidating your policy and preventing you from making a claim following an accident.

Choices made when selecting your policy will determine the level of coverage you’re granted. Opting to pay for bodily injury liability insurance alongside the usual insurance options provides an extra level of cover that mitigates the risk of incurring huge fees when involved in an accident that results in the other party suffering an injury. It’s entirely optional for most citizens but certainly worthwhile should a situation occur in which you’re responsible for covering the costs of another’s injuries.

Filing a Car Insurance Claim

State law requires anybody involved in an accident resulting in bodily harm or over $500 of property damage to immediately contact law enforcement. Officers will generally investigate the accident scene and gather any evidence that suggests what happened and who was liable for the accident, such as witness statements and CCTV footage.

When filing a claim, it’s in your best interest to consult an auto accident lawyer with experience in car accident claims. They’ll aid you in gathering evidence, requesting the insurance details of other parties, and filing your claim with your insurer. Most insurance cases are settled out-of-court, but should your insurer reject your claim, your lawyer will support you to pursue further action, the threat of which is often enough to discourage insurers from fighting a protracted legal battle.

Speak to a Lawyer in Pensacola

If you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident and are looking to file an insurance claim, contact Gross and Schuster, P.A. today. We’re happy to offer support and guidance to anybody who needs it, so speak to a member of our team on 850-434-3333 or leave us a message on our contact form. By doing so, we can help ensure your claim proceeds smoothly and get you back on the road as soon as possible.

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