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Motorcycle endorsement classes key in preventing accidents

On behalf of Terence Gross of Gross & Schuster, P.A. posted in Motorcycle Accidents on Thursday, August 18, 2011.

Some Florida communities offer motorcycle endorsement classes, hosted by Florida Professional Motorcycle Training. Not only do the classes teach riders how to drive a motorcycle properly, it also teaches them how to stay safe on the road and preventmotorcycle accidents.

The courses typically consist of 15 hours of required training, according to 10 of those hours are spent in a parking lot or other designated location where students spend time driving around on motorcycles. That part of the course teaches students 18 different exercises which improve their ability to shift, stop, corner, and make unexpected stops.

The other five hours of training are in a classroom. During these five hours, students learn about road laws and more about being safe on the road.

The beginner course, which grants you a motorcycle endorsement on your driver’s license or gives you a motorcycle only license, typically costs upwards of $200 depending on the program and location.

For those seeking more training on how to drive a motorcycle or for those that wish to become a certified instructor, there are more course options. There is a six hour experienced rider course available after an individual finishes the beginner course. In the experienced rider course, students can learn more about advanced riding techniques and maneuvers.

In order to be eligible to take the course, an individual must have an approved driver’s license and be of driving age. Appropriate footwear and clothing must also be worn. Helmets are required of motorcycle drivers according to state law, and some beginner courses include a helmet in the cost of the course.

Source:, “Motorcycle endorsement classes help new riders stay safe,” Ashton Wilkins, Aug. 9, 2011

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